A Journey – Part 4

As we’ve followed this journey of a guy falling for a girl and their relation blossoming from a first sight, to a week and 3 months on, it’s quite clear that the boy has fallen head over heels for her. He makes sure that whatever he does makes her smile which in turn brightens up his world. Here today, we’ll know how it has unfolded between them after a year of knowing each other. Happy reading.!


It’s Been A Year

It’s been a year and our lives have chosen their tracks,

Even though a few miles apart we seemingly have each other’s backs..

It was great how we began and what we experienced,

Something unique, a lil too crazy at times,

But when I look back, it does make me smile..

It was fascinating the way we began all of a sudden,

You liked my poems & our chats became instantly fun!

Some moments took our breaths away,

Some moments made us ponder & think before choosing our ways..

Some chats made our days,

Some meetings made us crave for those times to just stay..

You had me at “Hi”,

Didn’t want to hear you say “Goodbye”,

For when we’d chat the world seemed happy,

You brought back the guy truly made of insanity..

It’s been a year we know each other,

A girl I met is no longer a stranger..

Nothing is forever they say and that’s what I’ve learned once again,

But this hurricane was certainly better than just a drizzling rain…

– rhymes of a wayfarer

So that is how it’s been after a year. Who knows whether their journey is nearing its end; where the bubble finally breaks for the guy or whether it has just started to unravel its beauty.

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